4 Ways to Use Your Content to Market Your Business

No matter the nature of your business, you should be online. In 2018, if you are lacking any type of online presence, you are loosing a large share of the marketplace to your competition. However, simply having a website is not enough. Your online marketing campaigns should be working for you and selling your business even when you are busy doing anything except marketing and selling your business. Here are four ways you should be using content marketing to market your business.

Social Media is Still Relevant

If you have read any article that tells you that social media is no longer relevant in the world of business growth, change your reading habits. While certain types of social media may not be relevant to your market, some form of social media is relevant to every business market. IF you are looking to work with professionals, you may wish to stay away from Facebook and Twitter and stick to LinkedIn. If you are a visual based company, you need to be on Pinterest and Instagram, and possibly even SnapChat. Those in E-Commerce need to be everywhere their client base may be hiding. Your content need to be fresh, exciting and engaging. However, most importantly, it needs to be in front of your client base.

What Does a Website Say?

It is always nice that your website is pretty and engaging visually. However, unless it is video content, pretty pictures do not help you find a place within Google's algorithms. That means no one can find you unless they know the name of your company. Your website needs words. Not just any words, it needs words that speak to the audience and to Google. It needs keywords. It needs valuable content that matters to search engines and well as clients. It need new and fresh words on a regular basis as well.

Any News?

Another valuable resource is newsletters and email campaigns. Online marketing includes email marketing. Staying relevant with your client base means staying in front of them. Send out newsletters at least once a month to stay on your client base's mind.

Be and Expert on Your Blog

Your blog is a wonderful way to provide a small tidbit of free information that makes you look like an expert, leaves your client base wanting more, and updating content on your website on a regular basis. Blogging should be a large part of your content marketing campaign. People want to do business with the expert. Your blog can showcase your knowledge of your field and be an intriguing avenue to keep people coming back for more.

These are four simple uses of content that help your business find its client base even when the client base is not looking. To learn more about content marketing or to develop your 2018 content marketing plan, contact the experts at The Mighty Pen today!