Content for a Memorable First Impression

Many times, your company's first impression to the world is a random piece of written content found online. Whether it be a blog, a social media post, or your website, your written word is the first opportunity to capture the attention of your client base. A poorly written website, blog, or social media post can end the opportunity for a second impression for many clients. It is essential that your content speak to your client base, leaving a lasting memory and positive thoughts.

Content for the Intended Audience

Part of art of business content is to speak to your audience without alienating others. This is not as difficult as it seams. The key is to focus on the intended audience without being offensive to others. For instance, using slang may be appropriate for your intended client base, however, certain slang words are never appropriate in any type of content. Maybe your client base would benefit from a jovial tone. Make sure that your jovial tone is tasteful and not criticizing anything that is considered taboo. Alternatively, if your audience needs a more clinical, straight-forward approach, make sure that you include enough layman's terms to keep a general audience interested to read through to the end. Throughout the process, write for your client base, but keep in mind, others may read your content and send someone your way, even if they are not your intended audience.

Content That Inspires

Your content does not have to inspire someone to change the world, unless that is the nature of your business. However, it should inspire people to take action. Your content is your call to action. Upon reading your blog or website, you want people to look for you online. You want them to call you, like you on social media, or share your post with their circle of influence. Therefore, your content should be powerful enough to inspire someone to take action.

content marketing is an art. Making a memorable first impression that will lead people to chose your company over the competition is not as difficult as it sounds if you are a word artist. However, most of us are busy people, working to run a business. If you are interested in expanding your reach online, contact us at the Mighty Pen to help.