Compliant Content

Blogging is an amazing tool to help promote your business online, build brand recognition, and boost your SEO. However, depending on your industry, if you are not careful, it can also be a surefire way to make sure you end up with fines, dealing with compliance issues, in court, or even losing your license to practice your business. Therefore, when choosing to educate your customer base about new ideas and tolls that you can offer to help them either personally or in business, make sure you (or your marketing company) know the rules affecting your business industry and use those rules when creating your content.

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The New Way to Use Email Advertising

Newsletters were once a great way to touch your client base every month, keeping them up to date with the new advances and happenings within your company.  However, they became overused and underappreciated, going directly into spam or deleted before they ever reached a person's eyes. This change of attitude towards newsletters does not mean email marketing is no loner a valid option, however, it does mean the way in which email marketing is conducted must be adjusted to fit the way in which people are reading email.

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Back to School/Back to Work

I like to call September the month of "Back to School/Back to Work." This means people, both young and seasoned, are eager to learn and work. it is almost akin to a new year, at least fiscally. Yet, we, as adults in the working world, try to start the new year with the same old stuff.  We think our content, that may or may not have worked the year before, will be sufficient for the upcoming year.  And while the world around us has grown just a bit older, we choose to remain stagnant. This is not the example we want to set for our children and this is the not the example set for us by those that are successful in business.

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